Book Beginnings

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12 Responses

  1. Dianna Kirkpatrick says:

    So proud of you!! Can’t wait to read Llittle Girl Mended”! Thanks for sharing!!

    • says:

      Thank you, Dianna! This was an Alka Seltzer kind of night for me for sure! I so appreciate you and how you’ve loved on and supported me over these last couple of years.

  2. Kathy Kirwan says:

    Niki, I am delighted to see your blog and to know you are going through with this. I cannot wait to read your book. I know it’s going to be well written just from reading this. I am so proud to call you my friend. You are on the right path…..and I’m blown away. Yay you!!

    • says:

      Oh, Kathy, you are such a sweet friend. I needed to hear those words of encouragement tonight! Thank you!

  3. Laura Krauss says:

    Loved reading your first blog post and excited for what is to come! Love you so much!!

  4. Carol says:

    I loved reading your website and was excited to learn you have found an editor. What a huge step toward your book being published. Thanks for sharing in such an authentic, moving way.

  5. Susan says:

    I am just so proud of you, Niki! I admire your transparency, your eloquence, your perseverance. And I appreciate that you acknowledge that your relationship with Jesus, not your own strength, was the key to your healing. That approach should be a great encouragement to other survivors — they don’t need personal strength; they need Jesus, whose power is perfected in our weakness. I cannot wait to read your book when it comes out.

  6. Constance says:

    Niki, I love the title of your book! Aren’t we all little girls (and little boys) needing to find a way to tell our story and receive the healing Jesus wants for us. When the healing comes, it is life changing and powerful as is evidenced by your willingness to tell your story in a format to help other big “little” girls. You are an amazing woman.

    • says:

      Yes, Constance, I agree! Healing is life changing and powerful. Thank you for your encouraging words. I’ve been blessed by your insight and wisdom more times than I can tell you!

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