Not a Cloud in the Sky, or Is There?

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4 Responses

  1. Susan Brown says:

    So dear, Niki, and beautifully expressed! Thank you!

    • says:

      Oh Susan, thank you for taking the time to comment in the midst of your recovery. Praying it is speedy and without a hitch!

  2. Bonnie Sarley says:

    Absolutely beautiful, as I often find myself gazing above whether it’s early morning, mid afternoon or late late at night it only comes natural for me to begin a conversation with God. There is much truth to this thought that God is about relationships. There is no greater statement or status in being in the world then to be in a relationship with God . I have personally felt much comfort and closeness in similaritiy to your thoughts while reading this article of your writing. I truly enjoy everything you share about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The many times I’ve reached out to you is because I know how much you love the Lord and you always are willing to help others on the journey with Jesus Christ . I’ve given much reflection to your writings and what resonates with me is to First seek the Kingdom of God and to love others. That to me , is what religion is all about. That is the only way we can move forward in all our relationships. I know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ better because of you. And I’m truly grateful. Love you , and again thank you for sharing your true passions and love. Bonnie

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