Celebrating Six Months! Yay Gray!
Six months since I last colored my hair feels like a milestone! Still a long row to hoe, though. As usual, I’m struggling more with the length than the color. Growing out a short, layered haircut is not for the faint of heart. It’s hard! My hair is still short by a lot of standards, but for me, I now consider my hair to be medium length. Medium comes with its own unique set of problems. It’s unruly a lot of the time and still too short to tie up and out of the way like I’d like. The curls are doing some odd things these days, too. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s longer or because I have more natural color, but it doesn’t seem as curly as it has been. I hope it’s another one of those hard stages and I’ll again be happy with my curls at some point.
As for the color(s), it’s still funky, with a whole lot happening on one head. But I’m still liking funky. I had coffee the other day with a friend I hadn’t seen since starting the grow out process. So, of course, we talked about my hair. She was one who didn’t think it was a good idea when I first announced my intentions those several months ago. Seeing me in person, she said she was surprised that she kind of liked it. She called the look “creative.” That made me chuckle. My go-to word is funky, but creative is a good choice, too. Though I’m not sure anyone would intentionally create this look!
Short and sweet this month, folks! The blog post, not my hair. Until next time….